Test Certificate #: 72668-001 |
Client Name, Sample Details
She Digs It
Sample: C4
Type: Flower
Method: FE03 GC6890-1
Test Conditions
Scale: Balance AB-200
Temp: 20.3 °C
Baro Pressure: 986 hPa
Analyst: JCM
Technician: JCM
Sample ID#: 72668
Harvest/Process Date: 10/16/2015 Serving Size (g): 1.48 Date Received: 10/17/2015 Test Date: 10/19/2015 Valid Through: 10/19/2016 Report Issued: 10/16/2015
| |
Impurities: |
Detected |
photo1: Sporulating fungi on the pistil (black dots) and the white strands are fungal mycelia.
NOTE: 2+ SPECIES OF FUNGI IDENTIFIED ON SAMPLE, found in multiple locations on the flower, found on many/most of the pistils = SEVERE
Molds: |
Yes |
Types: Hyphae |
Pests: |
No |
Types: N/A |
Anthers: |
No |
Detritus: |
No |
Fibers: |
No |
Hair: |
No |
Mature Seeds: |
No |
Premature Seeds: |
No |
Unidentified Foliar Spray: |
No |
Other Impurities: |
No |
*Moisture |
7 |