IRON Laboratories     PJLA

ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited

Marihuana Potency Analysis by
High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Testing Accreditation #: 77802 Test Certificate #: 143422-001
Client Name, Sample Details

Level UP Holdings 4 (AU-P-000192)
Battle Creek , MI 49037
Sample: Lemon Icee
Type: Adult Use Flower
Method: FE04U12 HPLC-UV
Metrc Test Pkg#: 1A405030001EE26000027460
Metrc Source Pkg#: 1A405030000FF79000005214
***Water Activity: 0.45

Test Conditions

Prepsheet ID#: MIP231106a
Scale: XS205-MI2
Temp: 22.1 °C
Baro Pressure: 978.5 hPa
Analyst: ARH
Technician: ARH

Sample ID#: 143422

Harvest/Process Date: 11/03/2023
Serving Size (g): 1
Date Received: 11/03/2023
Test Date: 11/06/2023
Valid Through: 11/06/2024
Report Issued: 11/10/2023

Sample #143422
Sample #143422 Sample #143422
Total THC Total CBD Calc Max Total
Amount (%) 1.4 26.7 N/D N/D N/D 0.2 0.9 N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D 29.2 24.8 0.0 25.8
Amount (mg/g) 13.9 267.2 N/D N/D N/D 1.8 9.06 N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D 291.96 248.2 0.0 258.0
Amount per Serving (mg) 13.9 267.2 N/D N/D N/D 1.8 9.06 N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D 292.0 Serving Size~ (g): 1.0
LOQ (mg/g) 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78   %Decarb. THC CBD
±%RPD 3.97% 0.26% 1.45% 0.49% 0.01% 0.18% 0.14% 4.34% 0.51% 1.01% 0.40% 0.41% 5 N/A

Sample passes for water activity (sample fails if Aw>0.65).

LOQ = Limit of Quantitation; %RPD = Relative Percent Deviation; %RSD = Relative Standard Deviation; N/D = Not Detected

*Designates values that are not currently included in the accredited scope of Iron Laboratories.

*** Designates tests that use the method FE-45. FE-45 is performed using AOAC 966.02 and 32.004-32.009.

FE-45 has relative expanded (k=2) uncertainties of 1.098% for moisture, 1.754% for water activity for unprocessed plant materials, and 13.102% for water activity for infused products.

Vitamin E acetate analysis has a relative expanded (k=2) uncertainty of 18.614%.

Total THC and CBD is the calculated sum of Δ9-THC and Δ8-THC or CBD plus the amount of THC or CBD derived from THCA or CBDA, respectively.

These values are calculated by applying a molar correction factor of 0.877 to the THCA or the CBDA value.

Calc Max Total Cannabinoids is the sum of Total THC, Total CBD, CBN, Total CBG, CBC, THCV, CBDV, and CBL.

Total CBG is calculated as CBG plus CBGA*0.878 (the molar correction factor for CBGA to CBG conversion).

%Decarb. THC and CBD refer to the percentage of Δ9-THC or CBD relative to THCA or CBDA, respectively.

Sample was sampled and tested in accordance with the Safety Compliance Facility Sampling and Testing Information.

This certificate shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of Iron Laboratories, LLC.

ARH - LM Iron laboratories ARH - LM

Iron Laboratories, LLC is an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Testing Laboratory laboratory accredited by (PJLA) Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Certificate No. 77802

Tested by Iron Laboratories Michigan, 1825 E. West Maple Walled Lake, MI 48390

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IRON Laboratories     PJLA

ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited

QC Report

Testing Accreditation #: 77802 Test Certificate #: 143422-001
Client Name, Sample Details

Level UP Holdings 4 (AU-P-000192)
Battle Creek , MI 49037
Sample: Lemon Icee
Type: Adult Use Flower
Method: FE04U12 HPLC-UV
Metrc Test Pkg#: 1A405030001EE26000027460
Metrc Source Pkg#: 1A405030000FF79000005214
***Water Activity: 0.45

Test Conditions

Prepsheet ID#: MIP231106a
Scale: XS205-MI2
Temp: 22.1 °C
Baro Pressure: 978.5 hPa
Analyst: ARH
Technician: ARH

Sample ID#: 143422

Harvest/Process Date: 11/03/2023
Serving Size (g): 1
Date Received: 11/03/2023
Test Date: 11/06/2023
Valid Through: 11/06/2024
Report Issued: 11/10/2023

Sample #143422
Target Compound Name Method Blank (μg/g) LCS Spike (μg/g) LCS Amount (μg/g) Percent Recovery (%) LCS LCS Duplicate Amount (μg/g) Percent Recovery (%) LCSD Relative Percent Difference (%) QC Flag
Δ9-THC 0 4.80679 4.74198 98.65 4.93386 102.64 3.97%
THCA 0 4.32865 4.36922 100.94 4.35804 100.68 0.26%
Δ8-THC 0 4.60192 4.63386 100.69 4.70137 102.16 1.45%
CBD 0 4.72323 4.68936 99.28 4.66633 98.80 0.49%
CBDA 0 4.35307 4.33017 99.47 4.32972 99.46 0.01%
CBG 0 4.83707 4.8227 99.70 4.83145 99.88 0.18%
CBGA 0 4.34989 4.33809 99.73 4.34427 99.87 0.14%
CBN 0 4.64205 4.48539 96.63 4.68414 100.91 4.34%
CBC 0 4.54193 4.55666 100.32 4.53341 99.81 0.51%
CBCA 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0%
CBL 0 4.64572 4.63774 99.83 4.68492 100.84 1.01%
THCV 0 4.6886 4.72557 100.79 4.7066 100.38 0.40%
CBDV 0 4.54479 4.50501 99.12 4.48662 98.72 0.41%

N.D. = Not Detected

LR = indicates compound recovery of matrix spike was outside the methods acceptable limits. (70-130%) Low recovery should be scrutinized for possible fail as it could indicate more compound present than is detected.

I = indicates that an amount of an interfering compound greater than the methods limit of detection was detected in the method blank sample. May indicate contamination of analytical system or consumables.

Q = indicates that the relative percent diference of two identicly prepared Matrix Spike samples for a target analyte was greater than 20%

HR = indicates compound recovery of matrix spike was outside the methods acceptable limits. (70-130%) high recoveries should be scrutinized for passing as more compound may be detected than is actually present in the sample.

Sample was sampled and tested in accordance with the Safety Compliance Facility Sampling and Testing Information.

This certificate shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of Iron Laboratories, LLC.

ARH - LM Iron laboratories ARH - LM

Iron Laboratories, LLC is an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Testing Laboratory laboratory accredited by (PJLA) Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Certificate No. 77802

Tested by Iron Laboratories Michigan, 1825 E. West Maple Walled Lake, MI 48390

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